St Catherines

St. Catherine’s: This monastery was built around the 4th century chapel, which is believed to be the site of the burning bush. The fortress that surrounds it was built around the 6th century and is still an operating monastery. So please bear that in mind when visiting. A full day trip there will cost about £

You can often do this trip in conjunction with climbing Mount Sinai overnight to see the sun rise.
(not a trip for the weak hearted !!)

The road from Nuweiba to St. Catherines goes through long flat plains of desert. A change from the built up areas around Sharm el Sheikh.

A few pictures from the area


The trips usually follow the road via Nuweiba, but on the return if they go the other way towards El Tor. The road goes through an area called Wadi Ferran. A large oasis right in the middle of the Sinai.