Global Investment Property

The idea for the company came after Reg Callacher visited Egypt on a fact finding mission. He established links with potential  partners  and  developers and  partnered with
Amr El Kasrawy who is a civil engineer and a degree in tourism, with a solid link to
a network of builders and developers and tourist agencies.
Through Mr El Kasrawy Reg Callacher started to formulate
the business plan  after further  visits  to Egypt and some market research in the

Reg Callacher, who is  already a director of Homemakers Nationwide Ltd  an  FSA  directly  authorised  mortgage intermediary, put together a team which included Mostafa El Kasrawy who provided the links to the Egyptian government and the tourist network. Mostafa El Kasrawy has also been directly involved in producing contracts for developers and government departments whilst also project managing large developments within Egypt.